
A Selection of Critical Mass in Music, Films, Literature and Beyond


胡凌云 发表于12/31/2014, 归类于博客, 视觉 景观.



I deem my American experience incomplete without living in the Rockies or its west,  as they are the balcony and the backyard of this country.   The visit of my old man offered a chance to briefly escape the porch and dive into the mountains and beyond.  Busy as a driver and guide, I was barely offered opportunities to stop (or proceed) to see wherever and whenever I like,  however, camera was intentionally clicked to enhanced my guest’s mood as a visitor came all the way to see this land.  And here are the byproducts.

行程地图(itinerary maps)

从科罗拉多州的丹佛开车驶往怀俄明州的杰克逊是旅程中最匆忙的一段路。我特意选择了从I-80上驶入某条小路的做法,是为了能穿越科罗拉多州群山和黄石群山之间的荒漠地带。最终GPS帮我选择了US-287而不是US-191。287从红色沙漠北缘穿过,南望美国西进历史中的重要地点the South Pass,在Rawlins和Lander之间的125英里路上没有任何加油站,只有一路荒凉的美。因为赶路,这天只在小镇Lander附近停车片刻,拍了这张月亮在余曦中升起的照片。它让我想起玉门关,而我们身处的是一个现代国家的中心地带。

This picture was taken shortly after sunset, near Lander, WY. It was a long ride from Denver to Jackson, WY.  US-191 between Rawlin (where we exited I-80) and Lander is a remote and desolate one passing the north rim of the Red Desert and nor far from the legendary South Pass.  There is no gas station on this 125 mile stretch, and signs of civilization are minimal.


Moonset over Teton Range, around 7AM. Waiting for the sunrise in freezing cold.


Sunrise over Teton Range.  Excluding the trees along the Snake River from viewfinder is a crime. Just like Monumental Valley, they played silent yet immortal roles in numerous Western films.


This is called Buddha’s Light in Chinese.  It’s about enlightenment, literally.

不幸的是大部分时间Grand Teton都隐藏在雾气之中,偶尔露峥嵘。

One of my favorite American mountains only offered me a brief conversation.  I read it as invitation for another visit within the next ten years.


Many of the mud pots, steam pots and dead pots in Yellowstone are not visually appealing.  But the statement made by this one is difficult to ignore.  We traversed through all the road closure, construction and traffic,  captured the last shot before sunset.


Some thermal spots are naturally blended with landscape. Much more enjoyable than the scenes of hotpot spill accidents surrounded by curious witnesses.

从土豆之州艾达荷看晨曦中的Teton Range。这是用尽了200mm焦距之后的样子,从20号公路看,它只是地平线上的一排小犬牙。

Teton Range before sunrise viewed from I-20 in the Potato State, with a full 200mm zoom. Otherwise they are just some tiny canine teeth on the horizon.


My old man was reasonably interested in the architecture of Temple Square in Salt Lake City.  When asked where would be our next stop, I said Las Vegas.  My dad wondered whether that was a good answer for the religious people.  Nevertheless, we enjoyed the organ recital in the Tabernacle.

I-15穿过处女河峡谷。穿越峡谷及之后在庞大的坡地下滑进入炎热盆地中的Las Vegas的经历和穿越红山口驶向吐鲁番的地貌变化和道路走向都极其相似。

Virgin River Canyon, I-15 westbound. The driving experience reminds me of my 2013 trip to Turpan in northwest China via G312.


In fact, we routed through Vegas just to see Hoover Dam. Man-made structures are generally good spatial reference when we view vast landscape.


And the lack of it will promote false perception of space.


One advantage of lodging inside the park is you can get up at 3AM and execute some secret task.  I stood on the edge of Yavapai Point for 2 hours,  only saw a photographer.  I guess we scared each other big time.  In the rest of the time, I was totally enthralled by the unfathomable darkness and howling winds.  Despite of lack of tripod or any stable support,  a 30 second long exposure revealed other people carried out secret tasks at 3AM.  In this resized picture you can still identify 3 bright spots, two near the south rim and one on the north. Human activity.


The signs of human activities are even more prominent in this picture.  Long exposure greatly enhanced the first glimpse of dawn, which was totally invisible to bare eyes at the moment.


I went back the lodge and brought my dad to see the sunrise.


Little Colorado River viewed from an Indian tribal park east of Grand Canyon National Park. I came back to check whether the canyon was cut deeper since my last visit.  The answer is always a yes.

可以想象早期探险者如Wetherill和Nordenskold第一次从崖上看见这片包括了一百五十间屋子的Cliff Palace,会是如何的惊叹。这并不是一座墓葬或是祭祀之处,而是很多人共同居住了几百年的复杂生活设施。

I can imagine the excitement of Wetherill and Nordenskold when the 150-room Cliff Palace entered their views for the first time.  What fascinated me is the fact that this is not a mausoleum, mound or monument, but a much more complex system in which people with established life style lived for hundreds of years.


The will of picturing myself has already diminished many years ago, but since the place is symbolic in my vision of the world in migration,  I had to do this.  Thus the absence of native residents and the presence of an alien.


I did it in the past.  Me with Kin Kletso, Chaco Canyon, 2004.

Cliff Palace通向峭壁顶端的通道陡峭狭窄,部分路段需要爬梯子,全程都由导游带领,无怪乎这儿的游客比黄石少了几乎一个数量级,虽然这儿美国的第一处世界遗产(黄石是第二处),和最大的考古发掘点。

Half of the Mesa Verde was already closed for the season, and the Cliff Palace is for guided-tour only. Route to/from the Palace involves some steep paths and nearly vertical ladders. Being the first World Heritage Site in the United States, its tourist traffic is certainly nowhere near that of Yellowstone.  Good news for preservation. The guide said our timing was perfect for the west-facing structure.

公园内有大量类似的岩壁居住遗址,比如这座Hemenway House,是不对游客开放的。

Hemenway House (named after a Bostonian who never visited the site but sponsored the first archaeological expedition in American southwest) is just one of hundred of sites in the park not accessible to visitors.

因为在快要关门的博物馆里为老人讲解藏品花了些时间,当我们快步走下馆后通往Spruce Tree House的时候,它已被阴影遮盖。

It took me a while to explain to my dad about everything inside the Chapin Mesa Archeological Museum on top of the mesa, before it closed at 6PM.  When we started descending, Spruce Tree House was already in the shadow.  Timing was indeed critical.

日落Mesa Verde(西班牙语中意为绿桌子)

Sunset at Mesa Verde (the green table, in Spanish)

当晚住宿的Far View Lodge视野开阔,地平线上的灯火应该是新墨西哥州的Farmington。

Viewing from Far View Lodge inside the park, in the direction of Farmington, NM. (Note the lights on the horizon)


These were taken between 3-4AM. Again, dawn was captured by long exposure but not visible to eyes. The lights scattered on the horizon must be from Azetc, NM and Farmington, NM ( far right, brighter).


This was taken around 6AM, on the top of the Far View Lodge, with all the clouds gone.


The snowy peaks partially obscured by new clouds are those from San Juan National Forest.


The rising point of the sun has its significance in the knowledge system of Anasazi.  Everything on the mesa still submits to its power on a daily basis.


The Elephant Rock sneered at the completely overflowed parking lot.  Just like other immortal figures in the Arches National Park, she only parks and travels in the time domain.

虽然著名的Delicate Arch只能用长焦镜头拜访,但我们还是步行两英里来回去仰望了Landscape Arch。

The longest hike we did, a 2-mile round trip from Devil’s Garden Trailhead, led to Landscape Arch.

开车沿I-70向东穿越落基山的心愿,和多年前读过的余光中散文有关。“科罗拉多西陲,峙立犹他州入口附近,悍然俯觎大站城(Grand Junction)的不毛石山,便是这种奇迹之一。蟠蛟走鳞,饿成爪形的山系,水浸风吹,凿成体魄摄人的雕塑巨构,在平旷的科罗拉多河域上,供数十哩的峥嵘。那气象,全看你怎样去赞叹。”

My intention of crossing the Rockies on I-70 has been long inspired by a travel essay by Taiwan poet/writer Yu Guangzhong, in which he vividly depicted the barren mountains near Grand Junction.


Glenwood Canyon Hiking and Biking Trail.  We stopped for a short walk on this trail, which is parallel with I-70 and just feet away. I just meant to pay a close tribute to Colorado River,  a faithful companion to our road trip and the creator for many of the wonders we just witnessed.


Dillon Reservoir near the intersection of I-70 and older I-6. It serves the city of Denver.


We took I-6 instead of I-70 tunnel just to climb over Loverland Pass.  A must to complete our traverse through the Rockies.


Niagara Fall was on the top of my dad’s list and was visited one week after the journey to the west. Unfortunately it was a rainy day. I had an umbrella handy, and at moments we had to use the rain ponchos as well.The above 2 pictures were taken on the elevator platform for The Maid of the Mist (bottom).  Rainbow Bridge is in the background.


These were take on board,  passing The American Fall(top), heading towards Horseshoe Fall(bottom).


  1. 小河


  2. Sarah

    Looks like it was an amazing trip. I really enjoyed the incredible photo journal and thoughtful descriptions. Thank you for sharing your special experiences!

  3. zjize



